SSC MTS English Test-27


SSC MTS  English Test-27


OPTION ఫై క్లిక్ చేసి Right Answers చూడగలరు .

1➤ Select the most appropriate option to fill in the blank. The incident made a ______ impression on Karan.

2➤ Select the most appropriate option to fill in the blank. He is a descendant ______ the Mughal royalty.

3➤ Choose the correctly spelt word.

4➤ Select the most appropriate synonym of the given word. Obvious

5➤ Choose the most appropriate word that can substitute the given group of words. One who can't speak

6➤ Select the most appropriate synonym of the given word. Optimist

7➤ Choose the correctly spelt word.

8➤ Select the most appropriate meaning of the given idiom. As a matter of fact

9➤ Select the most appropriate antonym of the given word. Tranquil

10➤ Select the most appropriate option to fill in the blank. He ______ done it.

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